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bom api bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bom api"
  • bom:    bomb; bombs; bombing; turkey; bombardment; bomb
  • api:    blaze; fire; flame; light; ardour; fireplace;
  • bom-api:    fire bomb
  • bom:    bomb; bombs; bombing; turkey; bombardment; bomb calorimeter; mine; dud; bombshell
  • bom bom boat:    bumper boats
  • bom bom car:    dodgem; bumper car
  • bom bom kar:    bumper cars
  • bom aerosol:    aerosol bomb; aerosol
  • bom asap:    smoke bomb
  • bom atom:    abomb; atomic bomb; atomic-bomb; a-bomb; atom bomb; atom bomb, atomic bomb; fission bomb; blockbuster; plutonium bomb; nuclear bomb
  • bom bakar:    incendiary
  • bom bali:    bali bombings
  • bom dsb.:    shrapnel
  • bom gay:    gay bomb
  • bom h:    h-bomb; hydrogen bomb
  • There's sightings of infected that have escaped the firebombing.
    Ada penampakan yang terinfeksi yang telah lolos dari bom api.
  • And I didn't throw that firebomb in Krupp's office.
    Dan aku tidak melempar bom api ke dalam kantor Krupp.
  • Haverhill was chosen as the target for several reasons.
    Kobe dipilih sebagai target serangan bom api atas berbagai alasan.
  • No. Like a fire bomb.
    Tidak, tapi seperti bom api.
  • Get a fire bomb from me!
    Terimalah bom api dariku!
  • Fire bomb, a fiery meteor, and the fire in the form of…
    bom api, meteor yang berapi-api, dan api dalam bentuk…
  • They've taken credit for several firebombing attacks On slaughterhouses and animal testing facilities.
    Mereka bertanggung jawab untuk penyerangan bom api pada rumah-rumah jagal dan fasilitas uji coba pada hewan.
  • In Anniston, Alabama, one bus was firebombed, forcing its passengers to flee for their lives.
    Di Anniston, Alabama sebuah bus dibakar dengan bom api, hingga penumpang terpaksa berlarian menyelamatkan nyawa.
  • A 'divine fire meteor which goes against the wind' (zuan feng shen huo liu xing pao) bomb as depicted in the Huolongjing.
    Sebuah bom api ilahi yang melawan angin '(' 'zuan feng shen huo liu xing pao' ') seperti yang digambarkan di Huolongjing.
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